Summary       Dias ValeyevТs Horee books ЂAssurance in Invisibleї tells us about the life of a worldТs man. His dramatic fate is given on the background of the global time and the global space.       The author freely and easily tells us about the events that took place millenium and centuries ago. Having suggested an idea of a three-structured man he has come to a conclusion that now we are in the zone of the total transmission to the civilization of the third possible level that is to state of mega or GodТs mankind. In his book the author is thoroughly examining the worldТs rhythms and sthyles, both symbolic and realistic ones that go through a manТs whole activity and form his character, they are being observed from the very beginning of the human culture up to the present time and even our future. Since the time between the XlX-th and the XX-th centuries, the author thinks, a new era of the IV Great symbolic culture has opened. It is characterized as well as the former symbolic cultures in the history of mankind by appearance of dictatorship, the rights and the lefts in the political sphere and by the birth of a new world religion, the seventh in succession in the spiritual sphere.       Unlike Porfiriy IvanovТs teaching and Daniel AndreyevТs ЂRose of the Worldї panreligion and a Korean believer San Mjun-MunТs All Cristian Church, the views of the preachers Vissarion, Eugene Beresicov; tov, the creator of the Universal Cathedral near Kazan Ildar Hanov, Dias Valeyev is creating his teaching of Super God, or God Absolute far beyond all former world religions. His God is God for all: for the white and the black, for the red and the yellow, for educated and illiterate, for believers and atheists. His book is a cathedral that the author has been creating for forty years, it is the first temple of the future God of mankind. Any stranger irrespective of his convictions and belilves will find the word of his soul is searching in the newuniversal temple. * * *       Dans les trois livres de ЂLТAssurance en Invisibleї par Dias Vale`yev i sТagit du destin de lТhomme de monde. Ce destin dramatique est represente` au fond du temps et de lТespace globaux. Librement et avec facilite` lТauteur manie les siе`cles et les pe`riodes de mille ans. Aprе`s avoir avance` lТide`e de lТexistence de trois faces ou de trois parties inte`grantes du Ђmoiї humain, il arrive a` la conclusion quТa` pre`sent nous sommes en zone du passage total a` la civilisation du troisiе`me niveau possible, cТest a` dire a` lТe`tat de la me`gahumanite`. Dans le livre pas mal dТattention est accorde`e a` lТexamen des rythmes mondiaux, de la pulsation des styles, du symbolique et du re`alistique, a` travers toute lТactivite` de lТhomme, tout en de`terminant son caractе`re et que lТauteur suit a` partir des origines de la culture humaine jusquТa` nos jours et avec regard dans lТavenir. A la limite du XIXe et du XXe siе`cles selon lТavis de lТauteur, a commence` lТe`poque de la IVe Grande culture symbolique qui se caracte`rise comme toutes les cultures symboliques pre`ce`dentes des dictatures, de droite et de gauche, dans la sphе`re politique par la naissance dТune septiе`me religion, suivant le compte, dans la sphе`re dТesprit. A la diffe`rence de la panreligion de ЂLa Rose du Mondeї par Daniel Andre`yev, de la doctrine de Porfiri Ivanov, de lТEglise Chretienne Universelle du pre`dicateur core`en San Mune Moune des regards des pre`dicateurs Vissarion, Eugе`ne Be`re`zikov, du batisseur du Temple Universel aux environs de Kazan, Ildar Khanov, Dias Vale`yev cre`e sa doctrine sur le Super-Dieu ou sur lТEternel Absolu en dehors de toutes les religions mondiales pre`ce`dentes.      Son Dieu cТest le Dieu pour tous: blancs et noirs, rouges et jaunes, riches et pauvres, instruits et analphabе`tes, croyants et incroyants. Le livre est le cathe`drale que lТauteur e`crivait au cours de quanante ans. CТest le premier temple du futur Dieu de lТhumanite`. Chacun qui cherche la ve`rite`, quelles que soient ses croyances et ses convictions, estime Vale`yev, trouvera dans un nouveau temple universel le mot que cherche sa propre a^me. |